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Anger Management​​

8 Weeks Course

Class Materials and Costs

  • Anger Management Assessment                     – $65

  • Anger Management Class (Groups)                 – $35 per class for 8 weeks (1 class per week) (minimum of 6 participants)

  • Anger Management Class One Day Session   – $230 Note: Per class rate for 8 weeks

  • Anger Management Class (Individual)           – $65 per class for 8 weeks (1 class per week)

  • Anger Management Class Book                       – $15 (one time fee)

Educational Courses Offered

Anger Management Course (8 weeks)

SSIS offers Anger Management Courses incorporating the Choice-Based Anger Control model based on the simple assumption that anger is a choice—and we choose our response to any person or situation. We subscribe to the idea that Choices Made Repetitiously Become Habits. This means that you have made the same choices over and over until your behavior is automatic or habitual. Choice-based Anger Control is designed to empower you to take control of your life by developing strategies and techniques to calm the anger within. Choice-based Anger Control is based on a simple philosophy: “Our lives are the sum total of our choices and actions.” As human beings, our total existence is determined by the daily choices we make—in essence we choose our way through life. We are responsible for choosing the direction, meaning, and purpose for our lives. Choice-based Anger Control’s premise is that a transformed mind leads to a transformed life. Our eight(8) week program empowers participants to take control of their anger and make better choices that lead to positive personal growth and development.


Teen Anger Management Course (8 weeks)

SSIS offers Teen Anger Management Courses incorporating The Act Right Anger Management Program which is an 8 week program designed to educate and empower youth from ages 13 to 18 to deal with their anger, to use anger management and problem-solving skills, and to discover the coping skills they need to manage their anger appropriately.


A major focus of this course is for teens to understand that anger is a normal emotion. They will learn to put their thinking between their feelings and behavior, and to see how negative and positive self-talk can influence both feelings and behavior.

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