Stepping Stones Intervention Services, Inc.
All tests are available for either on-screen or paper/pencil test administration. Regardless of how these tests are administered, all tests are scored over the Internet and reports printed on-site.
Adolescent Chemical Dependency Inventory
Useful in schools, adolescent counseling and juvenile chemical dependency treatment programs.
Used in juvenile drug courts, family courts, juvenile probation, counseling and treatment settings.
Designed for adult (male and female) outpatient screening or assessment.
An adult evidence-based assessment instrument that focuses specifically on alcohol and drug use or abuse.
Anger-Aggression-Violence Assessment (AAVA)
A test that focuses on anger, aggression and violence.
An empirically-based adult anger assessment instrument.
The ADA is used to assess clients (patients) that have anxiety and/or depression problems.
Designed for adult defendant (male and female) assessment in referral, treatment and court-related settings.
Designed for adult (male and female) domestic violence offender assessment.
Domestic Violence Inventory - Short Form
A brief, easily administered adult domestic violence test.
Domestic Violence Inventory Pre-Post
Designed for measuring domestic violence treatment outcome.
Domestic Violence Inventory-Juvenile
Designed for juvenile domestic violence offender assessment.
Designed specifically for driver assessment without substance abuse.
Designed explicitly for California DUI screening.
Designed specifically for DUI/DWI offender assessment.
Includes a Marijuana Scale for comprehensive DUI/DWI offender assessment.
Designed for evaluating job applicants' "barriers to employment."
Designed for first offense (male and female) assessment.
The Forensice Violence Index (FVI) is an evidence based self-report assessment instrument or test that focuses on violence.
New Test
Designed to assess important gambler attitudes and behaviors.
Specifically designed for juvenile (male and female) detention (detainment, confinement and incarceration).
Juvenile Intervention Assessment
Designed for juvenile program (counseling, troubled youth and treatment) intake.
Evaluates the juvenile's present status in the here-and-now. Designed specifically for intake and post-treatment comparison.
Juvenile Disposition Assessment
The Juvenile Disposition Assessment (JDA) is designed for juvenile (male and female) presentence evaluation.
Juvenile Substance Abuse Profile
Designed for juvenile screening programs and troubled youth treatment agencies.
Offender Assessment Index ............................
Designed for use in drug courts, family courts, municipal courts and county courts.
Identifies client resistance, denial, anger issues, substance abuse and stress management problems.
Designed for parolee assessment or screening.
The Pre-Post Inventory is a client (patient) treatment effectiveness or treatment outcome test.
A treatment, effectiveness, outcome test that is administered to probationers. Contains areas of inquiry that measure treatment effects, outcome, or change.
Prison Inmate Inventory ..........................
The Prison Inmate Inventory is designed for comprehensive inmate (male and female) assessment.
When time constraints and reading impairments are an issue, a brief, comprehensive screen.
Reinstatement Review Inventory II
This assessment test is for applicants applying for reinstatement of their driver's license after having had their license suspended or revoked.
Designed for welfare recipient screening in welfare-to-work programs.
Designed for adult (male and female) counseling and treatment intake.
Sexual Adjustment Inventory ..........................
Identifies sexually deviate and paraphiliac behavior in adults accused or convicted of sexual offenses.
Sexual Adjustment Inventory-Juvenile
Identifies sexually deviate and paraphiliac behavior in juveniles accused or convicted of sexual offenses.
Designed for shoplifting offender assessment. Provides a comprehensive shoplifter profile.
An adult substance (alcohol and other drugs) abuse instrument or test.
SAQ-Adult Probation III ................................
Designed for adult (males & females) probationer assessment.
Assesses what are generally considered "core competencies" in suicide risk assessment.
Treatment Intervention Inventory
Identifies adults with problems that would benefit from counseling, psychotherapy and/or substance abuse treatment.
Treatment Intervention Inventory - Juvenile
Designed for troubled youth treatment intake.
A self-report screening instrument or test developed for veteran assessment.
Victim Index .................................................
A client, patient and victims of violent crimes screening instrument or test.
These tests have been developed by licensed psychologists and are offered under license from Behavior Data Systems, Ltd. All tests are copyrighted.