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Sensory Processing Approach 


Sensory processing is the ability to take in information through the senses, combine it with information and memories stored in the brain, and use this information to interact with the world around us. A sensory processing disorder occurs when there are restrictions imposed on the brain. In this situation, the brain receives too much or too little sensory information it needs to do its job effectively. 


An individual will need Occupational Therapy when his or her sensory processing creates ineffective functioning in everyday activities. Some of these activities may include eating, dressing, playing, or sleeping.


There are key indicators of Sensory Processing Disorder:


•  Over or under sensitive to touch, sights, sounds, tastes, or movement

•  Activity level that is unusually high or unusually low

•  Physical clumsiness or apparent carelessness

•  Delays in speech, language, or auditory skills

•  Impulsivity or lacking in self control

•  Social and/or emotional problems

•  Inability to unwind or calm self

•  Easily distracted


Sensory Processing Intervention:


•  Led by trained pediatric Occupational Therapists

•  Playful activities involving vestibular, proprioceptive, and tactile input to enhance sensory processing and body-brain integration

•  Increases the child's ability to process complex sensory information

•  Provides a "Just Right" challenge to children to enhance learning and motivation


"Sensory Processing Therapy is active and creative!


It will be exciting to see how the children challenge themselves as they gain 

confidence and improve skills as a result of great therapy and SI intervention"

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